There is some controversy about where angora rabbits originate from, the common theory is that they came from Turkey in the 18th century to France. They were originally just called angora woolers. Now there are 4 different breeds recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association. The English Angora, French Angora, Giant Angora, and Satin Angora. The German Angora is recognized by the IAGARB ( International Association of German Angora Rabbit Breeders).
The English Angora weights from 4 to 7 pds. They produce wool on their ears and faces. English Angoras have very dense fiber with little guard hair and need to be groomed at least once per week.

French Angora
The French Angora weights from 7-9.5 pds. There faces and legs are free of wool. French Angoras have long guard hair with the wool growing in shorter. They require less grooming than the English Angora
Giant AngoraThe Giant Angora weights from 9.9 pds and up. They have a triple coat that contains three types of wool: soft under wool, awn fluff, and awn hair; the awn type wool exists only on the Giant and German Angora. The only recognized color is REW or Ruby-eyed White(albino). The Giant Angora produces more fiber than the other types of angora.

Satin Angora
The Satin Angora weights in at 6-10 pds. This breed is a cross between a French Angora and Satin. Satin Angoras produce less fiber than other varieties but the fiber has a very smooth texture to it.
The German Angora weighs 4-12 pds. They are often confused with the Giant Angora. A separate association for German Angoras exists called the International Association of German Angora Rabbit Breeders, or IAGARB. The emphasis is on both the wool-bearing properties an the body type characteristics of the rabbit for commercial purposes, instead of conformation. The rabbit must meet objective standards and perform well on 90 day shearing tests to be officially recognized as a registered German Angora rabbit.
The Jersey Wooly is a dwarf version of the angora. The breed was the result of crossing Netherland Dwarf and a French Angora. It is a very popular pet breed. A full grown Jersey Wooly weighs 1 – 1.5 kg (2.5 – 3.5 pounds) . They have compact body type. The. A Jersey Wooly’s coat is often referred to as “easy care” due to the high ratio of guard hairs. Some other types of angoras are the chinese, Finnish, and Swiss.
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