I know I’ve talked about clipping and plucking. I’ve told you about my Bunnies. Now, I’m going to share with you what to do with all that fibery goodness.
The a wonderful thing about angora fiber is that you can just spin it. That’s right no processing needed you can just spin it. There is no grease and if the rabbit has been well groomed there is very little VM(vegetable matter). I did quick video on drop-spindling raw angora in the previous post.
Angora fiber can be dyed with varying results.
It can be carded to make rolags, or batts.

Rolag or Rolog
It can also be combed into top.
Ashland Bay Angora TopAngora is often blended with other fibers to strengthen the fiber or to add softness to other fibers. A little does go a long way. Most sweaters are only 10-20% angora. This is for 2 reasons: From the research that I’ve done angora is 7 times warmer than wool so anything that is 100% angora could be too warm, secondly angora fiber can be pretty short and is incredibly soft, but not so strong so combining it with other fibers gives it strength.
Here is the latest colorway going into the store today.
Tags: angora, angora fiber for sale, angora fiber price, angora rabbit fiber, angora rabbits, animal rescue, animals rescue maine, fiber animal products, fiber animals, fiber processing, raising fiber animals, roving wool, spinning fiber roving, wool for sale