Hemp has a large variety of uses, some that even suprised me like Hemp Concrete or Hempcrete as it is called. Concrete-like blocks made with hemp and lime have been used as an insulating material for construction. Hemp jewelry, rope, paper, water purification, animal bedding, weed control and even as biofuel are just a few applications of this unique plant.

Hempcrete building
I dyed my hemp roving with turquoise color direct dyes from Cushing’s dyes. The fiber dyes beautifully. The natural golden color of the hemp gave the turqoise a richer hue.
I had some trouble spinning this fiber. It’s sticky and kept coming apart on me. I tried a few different ratios and was still having trouble so I put it on a spindle with much better results. Let me know what you think.
Spun with my wheel.
Spindle spun hemp.
I love this picture of Gabby sunbathing.
Twitter contest!!! retweet this message and be entered into a drawing for spinning fiber http://tinyurl.com/4xbd5zn winner chosen 4-29-11
Tags: animal rescue, animals rescue maine, fiber animal products, fiber processing, hemp, hemp fiber, hemp spinning fiber, knitting, raising fiber animals, roving wool, sheep wool processing, spinning fiber, spinning fiber roving, the fiber of my being, vegan spinning fiber, vegan spinning wool, vegetarian spinning fibers, wool for spinning, wool for spinning for sale, wool for spinning yarn, wool processing, yarn
Pretty turquoise! I love the color!
Penny recently posted..Sweet Satisfaction
I know quite a few people who have build successfully with hemp (hempcrete) and was planning to use it myself until we priced the lime involved and decided that we would go for a cheaper option by using the clay from our land and missing it into a clay slip to add to barley straw.
I love that you are raising the animals whose coats you then spin into yarn – good for you!
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