I wanted to let you know I did have some knitterly fun while I was in PA. There wasn’t many places to go beside the box store like. Joann, A.C. Moore, or Micheals. That is similar to Maine(chuckle).
Anyway I found the cutest LYS in Muncy, PA (close enough to mom’s that you didn’t have to drive an hour like you used to here). I met Glenda and some of her knitters. What a lovely time and what lovely people.
The curtain rods were hand made by one of the ladies in the shop.

louisa harrding grace hand dyed #7
I ganked the last photo from thumbelina on Rav. I fell down the steps monday evening and hurt all over trying to make my trips up and down as little as possible. I also bought my mother a skein of yarn. I’m trying to have her try other yarns than red heart. So she got a nice skein of brown wool. I think she was hit by sticker shock and wouldn’t pick one out so I picked on out for her.
Oh and one last thing if your fellow blogger reading this and like to do contests check out the cool tool that does it for you.
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