Blue-Faced Leicester courtesy of Jared Lloyd on Flickr
Blue-Faced Leicester Sheep or BFL as they are know are one of the softest longwools. Descended from the Dishely Leicester, it is one of 3 Leicester breeds including the English Leicester and the Border Leicester. The sheep are famous for their roman noses and their dark blue head showing thru white hair as they do not have wool on their faces.

Blue-faced Leicester faces courtesy of flyhoof on flickr
BFL come in a variety of colors including white, black, and moorit. The fleece is tightly curled 3 to 6 inches in staple length. The micron count is in the 24 -28 range which makes it a medium wool but I think it feels softer. They produce a fleece weighting around 2.5 to 4.5 pounds.

Playing lambs are so cute! Courtesy of Gorerge n'Rosie on flickr
I couldn’t resist sharing this last picture it was too cute.

Sheep love bread too! courtesy of carrielovespuppies on flickr
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