Don’t worry I’m not tossing out the Hubs, he’s a keeper being stash and animal friendly. I don’t make new years resolutions. I think it’s asking for failure. I make lifestyle changes. Sometimes they are temporary sometimes they are permanent. I did try to exercise. It didn’t work for 2 reasons. Number 1, I hate exercise, Number 2 I have a bum hip. I decide to jump on a mini trampoline while listening to my favorite knitting podcasts. It was lovely it, took care of Number 1. However Number 2 didn’t do so well. My hip is worse than ever I need to see my osteopath again. So maybe some power yoga? or pilates? Ideas?
- My room looks great!
I also have doing alot of cleaning up and clearing out. My work room has changed significantly. Here it is all neat and tidy for me to work.
I’ve also found something was wrong with the coding for my last contest so I will try again in a few weeks. So what good is tweeting and facebooking and telling everyone about your contest if they can’t enter… I was bummed.
I’ve started on a new venture to find some test knitters. We will see how this turns out. I went to skillpages and put out a call so far 18 people have applied. This will be interesting.
And just to show some eye candy…….

Pretty Batts
and pics of cute fuzzy animals….
pics of yarny goodness….

natural handspun
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I love your workroom! And it’s so tidy!
I’m trying my darnedest to keep it that way.