Lincoln sheep are a breed from England , they are also called Lincoln Longwool sheep. These sheep are really large.They were bred to produce really long, heavy fleeces. The idea was to have them produce more wool than any other sheep.
The old Lincoln sheep that were first identified and in the 1700’s caught the attention of Robert Bakewell a famous livestock breeder. Bakewell bred these old lincoln sheep with the native sheep of the area creating the “new” leicester. Later Lincolnshire sheepmen used the new liecester breed to improve the coarsenss of the lincoln fleece. Lincoln’s have been sent around the world where they were bred with the native sheep to “improve” them.
Lincoln rams weigh in at about 250-350 pds. Ewes weight about 200-250 pds. They are polled and tend to have a gentle disposition. They come many natural colors and colors other than white are not looked down upon.
“It is now one of Britain’s rarer breeds, categorized as “at risk” by the Rare Breeds Survival Trust since there are fewer than 1500 registered breeding females in the United Kingdom.(wikipedia)”

These quad lambs(the 4th was cut out of pic) are laying in the pen next to their proud papa. Pic courtesy of Baalands on flickr
My wonderful info comes Wikipedia and the National Lincoln Sheep Breeders Association.
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