Peru Yarn from Blue Moon Fiber Arts
Erin colorway from Maine Woods Yarn and Fiber
Combed angora from The Fiber of My Being
Tags: angora, angora fiber for sale, angora fiber price, angora rabbit fiber, angora rabbits, animal rescue, fiber animal products, fiber animals, fiber processing, raising fiber animals, spinning, spinning fiber, spinning fiber roving, spinning fleece, spinning wool by hand, Vlog, wool for felting, wool for spinning, wool for spinning for sale, wool for spinning yarn, wool processing
Yes you can come out of the box of shame now. Thank you for showing it!
Thankyou so much, the stitch markers have arrived and they are so so so beautiful, my knitting now wears more beautiful jewellry than me! Thankyou:))
I’m so glad you like them they are soo much fun!!!