Karakul have very distinctly colored fleeces. The lambs are born black with wavy curls and as they grow the curls open and the color begins to lighten. There is amazingly wide range of shades going form black, silvery blue grays, to golden tan,red-browns, white with other colors and pure white. Interestingly the wool seems to have no crimp.
The adults especially in the US often sport a double coat. They have a coat of guard hair over downy undercoat some will have glossy fleeces. There is also a great multiplicity in the fleece softness they can range from quite wiry to silky-smooth. The average staple is from 6 -12 inches. There is very little grease or lanolin compared to other sheep breeds. Fleeces are lightweight and have considerable volume. Uses for karakul wool include carpets, rugs, and outer garments it also felts wonderfully.

I was trying to show the rusty red dark strands in this picture. However my camera wants to make them black.
The red color is amazing a creamy white with dark rusty red strands. I found the older sheep do not pass the neck test but the hogget (black) fleece comes close. I’ve been planning a woven rug and these fibers will be added for variety.
Information provided by http://www.karakulsheep.com/
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Tags: dairy sheep, fiber animal products, fiber animals, fiber processing, karakul, Karakul sheep, meat sheep, sheep, sheep wool, sheep wool breeds, sheep wool processing, wool for spinning, wool for spinning yarn, wool processing