I loved Fiber College it was AMAZING!!!!!!! Be sure to check out the gorgeous campground where it takes place. There are many activities(and great restaurants) in Searsport and neighboring Belfast. Even if your not the camping type (which I am not) The campground is a beautiful place to spend the day. I stayed at the Yardarm which is a beautiful motel.
Yardarm actually means the area around a shipyard or the time of day to get drunk …..I think when they named it they meant the former definition.
Fiber College – http://www.fibercollege.org/
Searsport Shores Ocean Camping –
Blog: http://searsportshores.com/
Camping: http://www.campocean.com/
Motel: http://searsportmaine.com/
Tags: fiber college, Maine, ocean camping, Searsport, Searsport Shores Ocean Camping