In today’s video along with the regular fun stuff, I address an issue that makes me a bit uncomfortable talking about. On a good note I have found a solution.
Spinning lesson Link http://www.thefiberofmybeing.net/?page_id=3225 or you can click at the top of the page toward the middle where it says Fiber Lessons.
More pics of the Romulan Cloak One Skein Shawl all finished.
If your interested in more designs from the Fickleknitter you can check out her website here.
Fibers are as follows from left to right Cormo ,romney ,Lincoln ,and navaho churro. Below is the peach nebula colorway spun up 🙂
Hi,Brandi! Where do you find the time to not only do all of these wonderful projects but communicate them so brilliantly? I hadn’t seen the webcast before. What a great idea!
It was so nice to see you and your Romulan cloaking device. That turned out great and makes me rethink shawlettes. I always thought that a shawlette was too small to be of much use — actually, it’s the full size shawl that’s too large to be used on an everyday basis. The shawlette is a charming accessory that could be thrown on anytime. Hmmm. Some of my handspun skeins may have just found a purpose in life.
I’m sorry you had a bad experience on Ravelry. I’ve done some trades and never had one go bad, but I’ve seen some trash talk and some of the groups do seem overly strict and/or snide. Your advice about lurking for a while before participating is good.
I hope your chicks hatch! I’d love to see them. My sister has six chickens she raised from chicks. They’re so cute.
BTW, I’ve been meaning to mention that “The Fiber of My Being” is such a clever name. You are so smart!
Penny recently posted..The Return of "Weed a Week"
Shawlettes are an awesome way to dress up a t-shirt really quick and run out the door. I never thought I would be shawl person either but here I am. I’m so glad to see you again I’ve missed you.
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