Texel sheep are orginally from the Island of Texel in the Netherlands. Athough the exact origin of this sheep is unknow it seems that many english breeds were integrated to create it. There are differing types of Texel sheep depending on where the sheep are bred and raised. The bodies may look a bit different as some are taller, or more muscled but all texel sheep have one thing in common. These sheep have remarkable muscle development and are very lean.
These lovely white sheep have medium build bodies. Rams weight in at around 225 pds while ewes are a smaller 150pds. Their noses and mouths have black skin under white hair. There are no horns and they have no wool on the head and legs. These Dutch origined sheep are incredibly well muscled animals ( I wouldn’t want to wrestle one)
Texels have a lovely even temperament. They are easy keepers with a curious streak, they also aren’t prone to excitability or nervousness.
The Texels are hardy and the lambs are up and searching for milk as soon as they are born. The harsh native setting has developed this breed to thrive on poor pastures.
Information from :
All pictures from : the Texel Sheep Breeders Society http://www.usatexels.org/gallery.html
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