I’ve been slowly collecting cashmere off the goats. Just in time too as I’m down to 1 pd of stock cashmere left. The goats are all looking alot skinnier except for Gabby. Her fiber just isn’t ready to release yet.
The chickens have majorly started laying again. We collected 8 eggs in one day and we only have 5 hens. There was a giganto egg about 100 grams( a normal large store bought egg goes about 60 grams). My normal eggs go about 65 grams. This egg was huge and unthinking me I ate it for snack before I snapped a picture. I just had to see how many yolks it was(it was a 2 yolker). Oh well maybe next time.
I’ve been waking up an hour earlier to get more done with the store here is what I was able to accomplish this week.
Drum carding

Butterfly Collection- Rocky Mountain Parnassium

Dyepot colorway – Moody

Butterfly Collection- Pipevine Swallowtail
I’ve decided to run a contest. I’m going to show you a picture of the fiber in next weeks Butterfly Collection. Guess which north american butterfly it is and you will recieve 2 oz of any butterfly collection fiber of your choosing for free. Put your guess into the comments on this blog and I will check to see who got the first correct answer. The winner will be announced on Monday’s blog .
- Mystery Butterfly Colorway
Tags: animal rescue, animals rescue maine, butterfly, cashmere, cashmere goat fiber, cashmere goat fur, chickens, contest, eggs, fiber, fiber animal products, fiber animals, fiber processing, free, goats, roving wool, spinning fleece, wool for spinning, wool processing
Mystery Butterfly guess…the Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucas)?
Thanks for joining in the fun.
I’m a natural fiber guy myself!
Just say no to polyester.
As to the butterfly…Long-tailed Skipper, Urbanus proteus?
UP recently posted..What Mojo
Thanks for playing!!!! I loves me some fibery goodness.
well, I am not from the area so I had to google around a bit. After watching through 31 pages of picture (a welcome task since it is very slow at work today…) my guess is
if the amount of fibre is an indicator for the colours:
Neophasia terlooii
If its just about the colours:
Nymphalis antiopa
(if 2 guesses are considered cheating ill go with the upper one 😉 )
What a fun contest! You have stunning butterflies over there! So many blue ones and with intreesting patterns
I’ll take your first guess for the contest but I appreciate the fact you went to so much work.
I can only assume that the amounts of fiber are proportional to what they would be on the actual butterfly. That being said. It looks like there is an equal amount of black and yellow which would be the majority of the butterfly body and a smaller amount of accent colors, red and blue.
My guess:
Old World Swallowtail (Papilio Machaon)
Hope I win!
Very scientific…. thanks for playing