If you have any questions about the rescue, or animal care. I’m also open to ideas. Isthere a new fiber to spin or dye? Is there something you want to hear about? Let me know. I can be contacted at

If you would like a special fiber blend or colors feel free to let me know here.

Hello, Brandi:
I live in Medford and would like to visit your farm. I recently got a spinning wheel (and have yet to figure it out) and have done some drop spindle work. The story in the Highlands Journal was great. Where are you located?
Warm regards,
Fellow Fiber Freak Cheryl
ps: I now look at everybody as a source of fiber, including my Sheltie mix Oliver
My daughter and her husband have a farm in Colorado where they raise yak, among other animals. My son-in-law removes the yak fiber each spring. I love to knit and I want to learn more about processing the fiber in order to knit. I am not familiar with the process and I have read on-line that the fiber must be sent out for processing. Any information you can give me would be much appreciated!!! —Thank you, Kim
The yak needs to be dehaired similar to what we do with cashmere. I don’t see why it can’t be done by hand. Here is a link to a pdf file that I found when I wanted to dehair my cashmere goats by hand. http://www.foxmoorfarm.com/Dehairing%20article.pdf I also found a farm another farm in Colorado that raises yak. I had featured them in my post on yak fiber. They are Bijou Basin Ranch and they might be able to point you in the right direction for a proper processing facility. As many places that process cashmere have trouble with yak due to the fact that cashmere guard hair is the same length and yak guardhair can be different lengths. Here is their link http://www.bijoubasinranch.com/BBR_YIfiber.htm . I hope this answers your questions or at least points you in the right direction. I’ve also taken the liberty of emailing this post to you.
Hi- would you share where to buy the nylon to blend in with my fiber to spin?
thank you,
I hope I’m right assuming you want something to blend for strength. Here are a few places to purchase it. http://www.paradisefibers.net/.....469777.htm or try http://www.littlebarninc.com/d.....;ShowMe=10.
hi brandi can you email me I just got a bunny and it is angora, very matted up not sure what to do with it
I’ve emailed you Jamie.
Hi there Branbi. What an inspiring story! Got your link from ‘Darn good yarn’ – love her things. Your yarn is so beautiful. I especially love that nectarine one. Forgive me if I sound silly: is it just like normal yarn that I can knit scarves etc? And how much does one skein weigh/ the length – to determine how much one would need. I live in Cape Town, South Africa, so will have to make sure my order is 100% correct – it will be expensive to correct if I don’t order enough (for example). Hope you understand. Keep up the good work!
Hi Suretha,
The nectarine your talking about isn’t yarn yet. It’s actually Spinning fiber. I’m willing to spin it up for you if you don’t spin yet. I also offer private spinning and fiber prep lessons over skype from my site right here just click where it says “fiber lessons” at the top of the page. The fiber itself is 70% corriedale wool , 20% mohair and 10% firestar (shiny fiber) to give it a little glitz. Here is the link to the listing for the fiber itself http://www.etsy.com/listing/96.....olar-flare I also have one spun up for sale at this site. http://www.artfire.com/ext/sho.....ew/4541994 The second picture of the yarn really showcases the colors best. I hope this helps you make an informed decision. I understand your concern, I order from overseas as well sometimes and I really want to be sure it’s exactly what I want,before I pay that shipping.
I’m very glad to have found out about you. I have two questions for you.
The first is that I have a “friend of a friend” who is looking to do an in depth fiber study on Finnsheep. Do you know who she could contact to get a fleece?
The second is pure self-promotion! I have recently opened a fiber processing mill outside Rochester, NY and would love to get more business. Wool is still my favorite fiber (right up there with angora). I offer washing, picking & carding to roving/batts with a quick turnaround time.
I will look and see if I can find my finn friends number for your friend. Congrats on opening your mill. I know what hard work processing fleece is as I do most of mine by hand. I know some of the big equipment can be hard to come by. If I ever get down rochester way(i have family who lives there) I would love a tour 🙂
Hi Brandi,
Great blog ! I have been spinning some Gotland fleece , the wool that was used to make the Elf capes in Lord of the Rings . It is an interesting fiber that to might want to review in your blog.
I am looking to purchase a German Angora bunny for fiber and of course to spoil. I thought I would contact you first since I live in Passadumkeag and you are close. If you don’t do you have knowledge of someone that you would recommend. Thanks so much. Sue
Hi Sue,
I do adoptions but i only have english mixes up for adoption right now. Here is a link to some angora producers in Maine some of which raise germans. Good luck on fiber quest.
Hello, do you have a vegan yarn club?
I had one at for the holiday season but not presently.
Really a good blog!
I’m Mattia, i live in Italy and i’d like some information about fiber from bamboo. The mechanical and ecofriendly way with natural enzymes. Now, i’ve found a machine for extraction of hemp fiber that i can replicate and try to use with bamboo after the steam treatment. I have a problem to find the maturation’s level of the bamboo plant. You need fresh or dried, what age? We are cultivating a lot of moso here in Italy in these years but i’d like to start sperimentation with another kind (waiting the moso). Did you ever tried to obtain this fiber from bamboo by yourself? Your experience should be a great help for me.
Thank you so much
Best Regards
I am looking for teeswater or lincoln long locks 6-8 inches. in white. do you have any please let me know. thank you cynthia
please can you tell me where I can buy Racka wool
I live in southwestern Massachusetts and am researching the possiblity of starting a permaculture farm which I would like to include fiber goats. The land is very brushy and will need clearing (this is where the goats would come in) and I am also a knitter. One of my bucket list dreams is to learn to spin. When I was a teen my parents had a farm for six years and we had milking goats so I know what it takes to raise goats. We already have chickens and ducks. I would love to connect with someone who could help guide me through finding fiber goats. I’ve been reading but would like to do some visuals.
I apologize for the late reply. To be honest I get so much spam here it takes me time to go thru. To ask any questions. I would be happy to help