Deyaneria on October 9th, 2012

Great news we are almost finished tweaking stuff. I hope we can launch by the end of the week. I can’t wait to share all of the work we’ve been doing. Of course the blog will return to it’s regularly scheduled programming with the “Oh The Fiber” series.


I hope you’ve been enjoying the new tutorials and videos with Nicole at Darn Good Yarn. We’ve been putting our heads together to create more products we hope you will fill your fibery fetish.

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The last time I saw Nicole over at DGY  she wanted to do another video and allowed me to share it with you.





Deyaneria on October 3rd, 2012

I’ve been crazy busy dyeing up new fibers for the store launch. I’m  having a designer tweaking the store theme to get it how I want it. Honestly I didn’t want to play with code.  I really don’t have the time or patience for it.


Here are some process pictures of me dyeing up the pulled silk yarn.

Recycled Pulled Silk yarn


I have to soak the  pulled silk yarn overnight to get it ready for dyeing and with so many skeins I had to get creative of what to soak them in.


Mixing area

The kitchen is my mixing area.



I prefer to steam dye the silk it takes the color much better. I have 4 steamers and can do up to 12 skeins at a time this way.

With gloves on and color changes I forgot to take a pic mid dyeing on the skeins but I hope you enjoyed a look into how I steam dye yarn.


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Deyaneria on October 2nd, 2012

It has been a sad and strange weekend and quite frankly I almost forgot to post today. We lost Gavin on Sunday and had to make arrangements to care for him. Gavin was well …a smartass, pain-in-the-ass at times and very protective of his goats. He took on the role of guard alpaca ….alpha male even though he was the only neutered alpaca of them all.

I will never forget when we had to sedate him. He fought it like a maniac…..knocking me on my ass at least 5 or 6 times during the process. He never did actually lay down and relax even though he had enough juice in him to sedate a 1000 pd horse and had the vet checking to see if the medication was out of date.  After awhile a friend of mine literally sat on him as I held his neck just so we could trim his tonails….we joked that Gavin was not a cheap date….and I felt like a Mac Truck had hit me the next day.

I am grateful that I got to know Gavin….He will be sorely missed.



Deyaneria on September 28th, 2012
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I hope you enjoy our changing colors of  Autumn over the next few weeks. Sorry about the crappy lighting at the beginning of the video we just couldn’t seem to fix it. for pulled silk

Deyaneria on September 27th, 2012

I’ve been so crazy busy with the dyepots and putting up videos. I realized this morning that I forgot to post usual Wednesday Post. So here is a Thursday post with a sneak peak of the new store.

one of the new store pages


I’m off the snap photos of new products and make another video……whoosh.

Deyaneria on September 26th, 2012
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A Spinning technique where you spin lengths of singles and immediatelly turn them into a navajo plied yarn. All you need is your spinning fiber and a spindle.

Deyaneria on September 26th, 2012
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I had some questions on how to properly wind a cop. So here’s a video I hope you find helpful.

Deyaneria on September 26th, 2012
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Here are the basic of basics drop spindling videos.





Deyaneria on September 25th, 2012
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I hope you enjoy this  Andean Plying tutorial.