Karakul have very distinctly colored fleeces. The lambs are born black with wavy curls and as they grow the curls open and the color begins to lighten. There is amazingly wide range of shades going form black, silvery blue grays, to golden tan,red-browns, white with other colors and pure white. Interestingly […]
The Karakul may be the oldest breed of domesticated sheep. Archeological evidence indicates the existence of the Persian lambskin as early as 1400 B.C. and carvings of a distinct Karakul type have been found on ancient Babylonian temples. Although known as the “fur” sheep, the Karakul provided more than the beautifully patterned silky […]
Herdwick sheep have an interesting history. The word herwick comes from herdvyck which literally means sheep pasture. The origin of the breed is still unknown but they may have been ancestors to norse breeds brought by the Nords during Viking invasions or by a wrecked spanish armada ship. For hundreds of years this breed […]
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